
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
It’s Never too Late
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
It's Never too Late - but it is Time to out it All Together -
Hello everyone and welcome to the out front podcast I am your host Vince Noble hey I am once again, super excited to be with you on today and I you know certainly hope all as well on this beautiful. Sunday in September you know in spite of you know all the certainty and and negativity that is currently taking place in our world today. You know we really do still have a great deal to be thankful for. I think we should be mindful that at times you know? Yes, it's is true. The economy is still sort of messed up. It's true. We are starting to see the negative mental cumulative effects of this. What I would call a mental marathon in the form of a pandemic yet still in all of that we still have so much to celebrate and and it's a matter of perspective I believe.
I had this very interesting conversation. You know with someone this past weekend and they said to me you know Vince I think it's too late for me I think it's too late for me to go back to school and start the business I've always wanted. Yes, he said to me, it's too late to start the business I've always wanted all of my life and you see I was vexed in my spirit by once again. The realization that so many people are not living the lives that they had hoped for so many people are not living the lives that they have envisioned so many people are living the lives that - they didn't expect for themselves nor their family and so as a result of that you know many people sort of have become what I would say cynical by too many delays too many missed opportunities and setbacks. You see and the fact of the matter is I know for certain this individual is not the only one who feels this way but you see my friend in truth.
I believe there is no way God would have brought you this far and allowed you to sit and not go further.
So I was thinking today about time but what what is time and you see God doesn't see time the way that man sees time God's timing. Is certainly not like our timing I think we all can agree on that you know someone once asked me hey Vince what is a simple definition of time and I would say that it's the measurable period. On which an action process or condition exists or continues. However, when you think about it in the grand scheme of things time itself is unmeasurable. Its infinite, right. Someone once told me it's it's not over until it's over but when is it really over. So I would tell you today many of you just listening to this podcast on today. It's not over until it's over. So get up out of your bed get off of the sofa get out the house and get to it. It is not over. It is not too late. It is not a waste of time god is going to honor every single one of your teardrops.
It's already put into motion. Yes I believe for many of you the the business the the book deal The the do to the the degree completion plan. All the things that you thought was dead and no longer possible to exist in you. It's coming back to life I believe that I believe God is going to honor every single one of your teardrops. It's already put into Motion. You see the the majority of that is you just don't see it because he wants to honor your faith. You see you just don't see it. But the reality is he wants to honor your faith I know you heard your mother say plenty of times faith without works is dead. It's it's it's the substance. It's those things. Um. Those things that you hope for.. That's not always seen or evident of those things see a lot of times we want Proof. We want signs before we believe and that's that's not how faith worked but I will tell you today. My friend.
That it's still going to require your faith. You see I can give you a lot. You know I know this I can I can give you a lot but the truth is your hope comes from Within. You have to personally work towards your own hope the question becomes what are you working on or have you given up have you given up working on that business plan have you given up working on. Ah you know going back to school completing your degree. Have you have you given up So again, the question becomes because you're not out of time. It's never over until it's over the question becomes what are you still working on stop stop listening to all the naysayers and haters talk. Talk about you're wasting your time. It's too Late. You're too old as if time is up I know you feel like you've missed opportunities a lot of people feel that way I know you feel like you're Missed. Your opportunity I've been there. My friend I know you feel like you're missed your opportunity and you missed your timing but I'm here to tell you it's not too late. My friend. You have all the time.
Because it's not over until it's over when it's over It's not open until it's over. We all have different times of our arrival. You see we all have different times of our arrival so you can't look at 1 person in particular in this side. Well why did this person arrive before me because. Why because we all have different times of arrival you see we perhaps may not have been on the same flight you perhaps have gotten delayed along the way for several different reasons you were delayed for several different reasons. But sometimes god had to get you rebooked on a different flight to see the conditions and to set the conditions more importantly, for your arrival sometimes we have to sit for a while. We have to sit for a while as part of our process of refinement think about that for a moment sometime. We have to sit for a while as part of the process of our refinement. And continue learning I know for many of those even in the religious community. You know you don't know which way to turn because for years you've set underneath a cultural construct that dictate dictated what you should look like.
What you should look like in that like that that that in truth is not even consistent with the holy scriptures you see I believe there are some people that you have been taking advice that you know. I believe there are I believe there are some people that perhaps you have been taking advice from will never allow you to go further than them think about that for a moment. There are some people in your circle that you have been taking advice from will never allow you to go further than them. You see you are going. To serve them at 1 time or another you understand you see you no longer even know what you want and need. You see you no longer know what you even want and need to get you where you desire because we have sat under oppression for so long. We no longer even know what we want or need.
We no longer even know what we want and need to continue to feed us in a way that we truly need all you know is you can no longer continue doing things the way that you have. You see now and that you have been waiting now that you have been waiting longer than most god is going to I believe accelerate you do time to god have a way of accelerating us through time. Remember god doesn't see time the way we see times god have a way of accelerating us through time the time in which it took most people to do specific things you're going to do it in half amount of time. Yes, what it took 10 years to be. You're going to do it in 5 because you've been waiting. There's some people that's been waiting and and you have learned and sat long enough and the truth is you either winning or you're learning. It's not too late, it's not too late but it is time to put it all together. It's not too late, but it is time to put it all together.
You see for years I celebrated other people and I had no problem with that for years I celebrated other people for years I watch other people seasons arrive while waiting you see celebrating and waiting at the same time. I don't know if you know the psychological effects of that at times but but but we have to learn this It's very important to learn that we have to learn to celebrate and wait at the same time you see some people don't know how to. Celebrate with others instead. They get mad instead. They get angry instead. They start hating instead. They start trying to sabotage the success of everyone else around them. Yes, they start drinking the slow poison of jealousy. They start drinking the slow poisoning of envy they start drinking the slow poisoning of strife. It gets pint up in your body and begin to spread like a cancer. You've seen that. But but not, you. Those that listen to this podcast but not you, you've been celebrating and waiting long enough. You've been celebrating and waiting in faith knowing god is not a respecter of person. He doesn't have clicks and crews and favors like we do meaning if he did it for me.
He'll do the same thing for you plus some god is about to shoot someone ahead straight ahead. See this is not any Hocus Pocus stuff I believe it's because I lived it myself and so I see in my spirit I see in my spirit god is about to shoot someone far forward than everyone else. Even in the midst of this economy even during an approaching recession and depression. He's going to put you on the winning side of a recession. He's going to put you on the other side of a depression. So don't worry about it. He's going to put you on the other side of this thing. Yeah, he's going to put you on the winning side and even the ones that hated you will take notice even the friends of those who hated you would take the message back to take notice that they were forced to be noticed. They were forced to notice you even the ones that told you it's too late. It won't work. You're wasting your time you're too old. It will never work. You're going to have to go back and bless them too.
So just make sure your attitude is right because you're going to be the one god used to save the very one that tried to kill your spirit. Yes, the very one that talked against you the very one that talked behind your back. The very one that hated on you god is going to use you to say that very 1 yes, even the people that deliberately ignored you even the people that deliberately dismissed you even the people that. Deliberately tried to dismiss the significance. They refused to see your value. They are all going to have to acknowledge you. It's never too late. My friend. Again and this is not any hocus pokers I'm telling you from what I experienced in my own personal life have you ever seen a sling shot. You remember middle sling shots growing up we we would be with our own sling shots. See growing up in the neighborhood. We used to collect materials to see who could who could build the best looking sling shot and after walking all through the neighborhood all through the alleys and railroad yards and.
Walking alone the railroad tracks and anywhere we could find old stacks of wood that was good enough as material to build our sling shots and whenever we would return to our secret clubhouse. I would always be the last one to finish building my slingshot every single time and all the other kids you know that they would laugh at me because mine wasn't finished before theirs I would always take my time building my slingshot. But you see I think god was teaching me a few things about being disciplined enough to realize the precision that it takes some time the mastery that it takes some time and development and timing that it takes some time. You see I knew if I could build my sling shot durable and strong enough to be able to pull back the rubber bands further enough that my sling shot would shoot farther than anyone else's could. Yes, if I could just build it strong enough and durable enough that I could pull it as far as back as I could that my sling shot that my slingshot would be guaranteed to go furthest with precision.
I'm certain I got the most confirmed squirrel kills this this very day right? and just as I had hope for when my sling shot was complete. Mine was consistently going several hundred meters further than all the others. To the day and just as I had hoped for my sling shot was consistently going several hundred meters further than everyone else's you see the individuals that was. Previously laughing the loudest they they started to ask me for help to build their sling shots I'd go with a pocket full of now or laters and candy and all sorts of goodies because I spit the day negotiating. You know if you. Give me some of what you have I'll be your slingshot too. You see in the same manner. All those years god had god had to slow you down so that he could pull you back sometime. God has to pull you back. He has to pull us back further. Than everyone else so that he understood that when he pulled you back to make sure that you were durable enough to withstand being pulled.
Every which way at high levels one day knowing that the day will come. You'd make it out of your situation. You make it out of your circumstances by the grace of god going going further than anyone else imagined. My friend. Ah, tell you just a few moments today that it's not over. It's not over until it's over time is still on your side
until next time.
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